Violence + Abuse Prevention Program
The Oregon SATF Prevention Program works to eliminate the root causes of violence and abuse in order to stop it before it occurs. We believe that it is possible for people in Oregon to successfully address and prevent all forms of violence and abuse in our institutions, communities and relationships and to promote a peaceful, safe and healthy environment in which all people in Oregon can live and thrive.
Our program develops information, resources, and training related to violence and abuse prevention and sexual health promotion; provides technical assistance and support to local prevention efforts; coordinates state-wide prevention initiatives and activities; and implements the Recommendations to Prevent Sexual Violence in Oregon: A Plan of Action, the state’s strategic sexual assault prevention plan.
Scroll to learn more about this program, resources, and support available.
The Bridge Project
In partnership with The Ford Family Foundation, Oregon SATF implements The Bridge Project, which works to build and bolster connections between child abuse prevention efforts and existing violence prevention programs and established statewide prevention communities in the state of Oregon.
ARPA Violence Prevention Capacity Building Project
Oregon SATF and the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (OCADSV) offer capacity-building prevention grants to support community-based prevention, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Rape Prevention + Education Grant Program
RPE offers funding for programs to plan, implement, evaluate, and sustain primary prevention of violence strategies and activities. Private, non-profit organizations, Tribal Government programs and partner agencies, public or local governmental agencies (including college and university campuses and public school districts), and local health departments may apply for funding.
Campus Prevention + Connection Cohort
The first professional cohort in Oregon focused specifically on violence prevention on college campuses, the Campus Prevention + Connection cohort ensures that participating institutions of Higher Education (including community colleges, 4-year institutions and medical schools) are equipped with the knowledge, tools and professional support to create robust comprehensive prevention strategies in their communities.
Support specific prevention efforts that recognize, respect, and center all aspects of multicultural communities in the creation, leadership, implementation, development, and evaluation of prevention efforts.
Community members are most knowledgeable about the unique needs, values, traditions, and practices in their communities that promote health and safety, and those that support and reinforce violence/abuse. These can best be addressed by working with and within communities in efforts that reflect those needs, values, traditions, and practices.
Address the root causes of violence/abuse, including historical oppression, inequity, and power and privilege in Oregon’s communities, institutions, and policies, and promote community accountability.
When people are taught to value some people less than other people, they are learning the foundations of violence. Changing norms and behaviors means changing the environment and systems that support and encourage violence and disrespect.
Establish and promote community informed positive social norms that encourage healthy interactions, relationships, and sexuality.
Everyone has a role in promoting healthy sexuality, interactions, and relationships.
Knowledge regarding healthy sexuality and relationships offers individuals the ability to not only make informed consensual decisions, but to build a culture of consent in Oregon that values respect, empathy, pleasure, health, and safety.
Strengthen, increase, and prioritize prevention-specific funding and resources at local, tribal, and state level.
Develop resources, provide technical assistance, and invest in prevention, for individuals, Tribal Nations, organizations, policy makers, and communities who are motivated to end sexual violence
Improve the effectiveness of the prevention work in Oregon by measuring prevention program effectiveness through ongoing evaluation and research, and incorporating that knowledge into program implementation.
Evaluation allows local programs to tailor prevention efforts and track progress for specific community groups and types of sexual violence, and supports statewide investment in sexual violence prevention.
Research is needed to define and promote strategies that reflect communities throughout Oregon.
Stakeholders in Oregon identified 5 Strategic Priorities for people, communities, and institutions throughout Oregon, as well as the state and its leaders, to focus on in order to promote health and safety for all people through violence and abuse prevention efforts. Although separated by priority here, it is important to note that each of these overlap and inform the other priorities.
Together, these 5 Strategic Priorities are necessary to promoting skills to prevent violence throughout Oregon. In this section, we talk briefly about what the priorities are, why they were chosen, some ideas for how to implement them, and what success might look like at the end of five years. The 5 Strategic Priorities are:
Preventing Sexual Violence in Oregon: A Framework

Training Opportunities
Looking for high quality trainings related to the prevention of violence and abuse? We would love for you to join us! Click the button below to learn more about upcoming training opportunities with Oregon SATF and our partners.

Mel Phillips, co-director of Oregon Abuse Advocates & Survivors in Service, member of Men’s Engagement Committee in “Transforming Space and Place: The Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force 20 Year Retrospective”.
“I am most proud of the fact that the Task Force is so deeply rooted in prevention work that addresses oppression as the root cause of violence and abuse.”
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