in partnership with the Ford Family Foundation
We all play a role in preventing violence & abuse…we can all have an impact!
Preventing violence and abuse across the lifespan requires collaboration, coordination, and cross-sector support. In order to better do that, it is valuable that we understand the shared values we bring to our respective prevention work.
The shared values below were compiled by the Child Abuse Prevention and Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Work Group of SATF’s statewide Prevention and Education Committee.
The full document with expanded discussion of these values can be found HERE.
Explore comprehensive abuse prevention with our free Abuse Prevention 101 Video Series!
This video series provides a foundational overview of abuse and neglect prevention, including critical frameworks and best practices, addressing root causes, and health promotion approaches to fostering healthier and safer communities for all people. Together, we can prevent child abuse and neglect, when we all find our roles in prevention. This video series is just one tool to help us discover and refine our roles and prevention efforts across the lifespan. Scroll to view the videos and learn more!
Situating Prevention
Addressing the Root Causes of Abuse
Promoting Healthy Norms
Dynamic Resources to Support Your Work
Click any of the tabs to learn more about resources from Oregon SATF’s Prevention Program to support your work.
Check out our Exploring Prevention Audio Library!
Here we feature short audio recordings highlighting discussions on addressing some common prevention challenges; interviews with partners across the state who are doing cool prevention work; and evaluating prevention efforts!
Our Communities of Prevention Collaborative Toolkit is available to assist in building collaborative prevention spaces in our communities! This toolkit offers tools and resources for creating a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to prevention.
Check out our Comprehensive Prevention Toolkit , full of information to help guide prevention efforts, understanding, evaluation and sustainability.
Featured Resource
Featured Resource
This packet of resources supports collaborative efforts to prevent violence and abuse, including the following resources:
Shared Core Prevention Values of Child Abuse and Domestic/Sexual Violence Prevention
Understanding the Language we use
Connecting Prevention Strategies Across Violence and Abuse
Navigating the Systems to Respond to Disclosures of Abuse, Neglect, Assault, and Violence to Persons Under 18
Connecting Goals and Strategies for a Healthier and Safer Oregon for Young People
Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention in Oregon
Examining/Unpacking Oppression and How it is Present in Our Violence and Abuse Prevention and Intervention Work
Additional Resources
CDC’s resources: Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence and Connecting the Dots (interactive): Exploring the overlaps between multiple forms of violence and working toward collaborative prevention
Technical Packages for Violence Prevention: Using Evidence-based Strategies in Your Violence & Abuse Prevention Efforts and the
Corresponding infographics for CDC technical packages above
Oregon Department of Education Erin’s Law Tip Sheets and Distance Learning for All Erin’s Law Toolkit for District’s
Prevent Connect including This Series from the Just Beginnings Collaborative on preventing Child Sex Abuse