Communities of Prevention Collaboration Toolkit
The Communities of Prevention: Collaborative Toolkit was created to support local collaborations across issues, including multiple forms of violence and abuse. Because we know that all of our work impacts the overall health and safety of our communities, it is valuable if we are collaborating across disciplines and sectors to ensure we are maximizing our impacts and best utilizing community resources. Although this toolkit offers a broad overview of community collaborative work as well as tangible strategies to implement, facilitate, and sustain local collaboratives – it can be used more broadly to support any collaborative group. Within the toolkit, we offer strategies to bridge broad prevention efforts, but also want to recognize that prevention work is working towards a healthier and safer community for all people. Therefore if your work has anything to do with this shared end goal – this resource may be useful for you and your community collaborative work.
View the toolkit online
Click the image below to open a digital version of the toolkit on Yumpu.
Read what our community is saying about Oregon SATF toolkits :

“It (the Collaboration toolkit) is excellent. And it has been instrumental in CPAN and 90by30’s learning and training, too. We want to draw on multiple portions as we re-envision our local prevention plan. The toolkit demystifies the complicated process of forming sustainable coalitions and grounds policies and practices in actionable, equity-centered, and well-established violence prevention principles.”
Jeff Todahl, Center for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect