Campus Committee

Committee Purpose + Goal

The purpose of the Campus Subcommittee is to promote sexual violence prevention efforts and a survivor-centered sexual assault response on college and university campuses.

Members of the Campus Subcommittee collaborate to reduce the occurrence and to improve the response to sexual assault at institutions of higher education in Oregon. The goal is to promote the safety and success of students and enhance the quality of their lives.

Committee Co-chair: Elizabeth Kennedy (Oregon State University)

Staff liaison: Carli Rohner, SATF Campus Coordinator | Email:

Current committee priorities

Click any of the tabs to learn more about priorities and projects from the Campus Committee.

Featured Resource

Featured Resource

“Campus Reporting Options Website ”

All students in Oregon deserve to learn in healthy environments, free from violence, abuse, and sexual harassment.

The Campus Committee envisioned a resource that all students, no matter their school, could access and learn about all the rights and options available to them after experiencing violence.

This website includes information about confidential options (such as advocacy and medical care), Title IX, reporting to law enforcement, and their rights under state and federal law.